Salieri Circus Award | Press Accreditation

Photographers Accreditation


Professional photographers and cameramen who intend to follow the Salieri Circus scheduled from 21 to 25 September 2022 at the Salieri Theater in Legnago (Verona) are requested to send them to by 01 September 2022 Pass Photo requests accompanied by a passport-sized photograph and personal data: place and date of birth, residence, email, mobile phone, indication of membership or freelance newspaper, and of the selection evenings for which the Pass Photo is requested.

The photographic sequences will be allowed only in the room on the basis of the indications provided by the Festival's Communication Direction, and will be subject to compliance with the rules governing image rights. Flash photography is not allowed for security reasons, and backstage due to privacy legislation. Filming is not allowed beyond the 3 minutes guaranteed by the right to press, and with the use of lights other than those of the scene. All shows are protected by international Copyright.

International Salieri Circus Award
Directorate of Communication